Monday, 10 May 2010



As I am not a frequent visitor to this blog I had not moved material earlier.

I had been aware that someone claimed to be Elaine Grossart had left messages asking for redaction of some names etc. I now know that it was in fact Elaine Grossart and she had made every effort she could think of to have material removed.

Numerous people have commented on how true they have found this blog and they were of the opinion that it may well have been posted by Hamish Grossart or on his behalf by lawyers working for him.

I can assure you that is not the case though some of the material posted on this blog and his own at: has obviously been supplied by his business colleagues past and present and his lawyers - a man of his nature makes many enemies and buys few friends!

I have removed various items and even so Elaine Grossart has no idea who is controlling this blog!!

Clearly I know the parties involved and clearly there are leaks of legal documents to me by people close to the Grossarts - Hamish as an individual disgusts me and I see no difference between his abuse of women and children and that of the drunken docker who beats his wife ignoring the obvious cowardice - just as does Hamish Grossart.

Note I am unaware of ANY effort by Hamish Grossart or the lawyers exploiting his sickness to contact me or have one word of this blog altered - as all is true there were of courtse no grounds save those used by Mrs. Grossart but obviously her ex-husband would not have acted in the interest of his children in fact he would be most unlikely to act in anyone's interest but his own - Nor did he - now seeking to use my blog as a stick to beat his wife with through the Courts.

Clearly Elaine Grossart does not know I am obtaining this material and posting it here.

I believe the world should be made aware of evil as it erradicates the mystique of people thinking they are the only victims of cowardly and self serving little men.

REMOVED at the request of the children's Mother out of concern for her two minor children and her ex-husband's two adult daughters, who she brought up from a very young age to relative maturity for her ex-husband as he had so damaged his first wife that the duty fell to his new partner.

One can see the same pattern being attempted here.

The malign and dishonest bullying and fear of losing control is not unusual in narcissism it seems.

This reaches, in some cases and this may prove to be one, the level where the Narcissistic Male in his gross insecurity and inadequacy takes the stance of 'if I can't have you no one will'.
This is the extreme manifestation seen in stalkers and particularly men without the moral fibre or strength of personality to cope with their rejection as they set out to destroy those who are unwilling to succumb to the control they determine to excercise.

Such behaviour is nothing more than a manifestation of evil hidden in braggadocio and determination to bend all to their will - in this case with willing lawyers all too willing to feather their nests the Father is determined to strip his wife of dignity, maternity, money and if he can achieve it again sanity!

Hamish Grossart is in my opinion a disgusting excrescence of a man - a total emotional failure incapable of standing on his own feet and within days of separation if not before seeking out his next victim - I regret I can see his latest marque Plum Sterling and her children as nothing more than his next victim in a trail of inadequacy that will continue until his decrepitude leaves him either with some sad woman he has bought or in abject isolation - rarely do the children of such unfortunates rally round seeing the loss of control as their long awaited liberty freeing them from the fear and hatred they have suffered all their lives!

Please be assured that Elaine Grossart hasn't a clue who is posting this blog and clearly she has made extensive efforts, including someone with IT skills who has charged for his services to identify the author.

Be assured there has been absolutely no visible effort on the part of Hamish Grossart to contact me, nor have any of the army of parasitic lawyers he employs to harrass his wife and children.

I do note as a result of one of my informants leaking material from his lawyer's offices (well where do you think I get much of this info!) I gather a main plank of the nasty little man's latest efforts to continue the damage to those who once upon a time respected him in his profligate and irresponsible, venal and vile abuse of the law to buy the result he wants making a mockery of Sheriffs, lawyers and the Courts and a farce of any meaning of the word Justice is to try to pretend that Elaine Grossart is responsible for this blog.

The logic being I presume that is posted by Hamish Grossart because it is titled after him! One has to marvel at the buffoon's logic that he seeks to convince a Scotish Court that his pack of lies is true. Why would I not be surprised when he succeeds when it is so apparent Justice is no more than a commodity in Scotland where verdicts would seem to be bought and sold like Papal Pardons in return for the largesse of the corrupt Lawyers, Banks and Politicians with the £Millions so readily available over many years from corrupt bankers oils the entire Satanic horror show that is the arcane and malign mysogenistic and Masonic septic tank that is Scotland.

It may be apposite at this stage to ask how vermin like Hamish Grossart gain their power see: http?? and ponder the relationships shown and those yet to be exposed.

Explain perhaps how an affinity between Grossart and the apparently ignoble family bank can claim probity when their affilitations would seem to stretch from the now bankrupted RBS to such as financial advice seemingly given to Murray International who seemingly owna hugely indebted footbal team of little asset value and masquerade as steel stock holders - I say masquerade as it does look much as if one would need to bury Scotland knee deep in steel to justify what seems to be a BASE RATE fixed interest £1 Billion loan - I wonder if the fees garnered there would bear scrutiny or is this back to £Multi Million bankers' bonuses and how these charlatans steal the money!

I speak glibly of a £Billion!
A billion seconds ago it was 1959.

A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.

A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.

A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.

A £Billion lent to a single firm with no visible substance to justify it from a bank that was bankrupted by the £Multi Millionaires in whose stewardship it was entrusted!

Do not overlook the irrefutable fact that Elaine Grossart was granted a divorce on the grounds of abuse, sexual assault, physical and mental abuse and much more damning evidence in the public domain - her divorce was against the vile, duplicitous, self serving, mean, bullying and narcissistic Hamish Grossart who is now BUYING the Courts with money defrauded from his ex-wife since he was penniless and borrowed money from her when they first met!

Do YOU believe that Hamish Grossart is a fit and proper person to be allowed to go amongst the public unsupervised let alone have custody at ANY time of young children - a man who it has been attested and accepted in Court beat his wife to the ground and urinated on her! A man who exposed himself erect and naked to his young daughter, a man who is a serial adulterter wife beater and abuser.

However much money this egregious piece of filth has should he be in a position to BUY his will from Courts corrupted by their deference to money, status, males and the Masons? I wonder howmany of the people in the Court will have a link and debt to each other through The Masons, The Spec. or similar I hazard a guess that Elaine Grossart will thus be clearly disadvantaged!

Filth like Hamish Grossart all too often are able gratuitously to abuse women and children as does Hamish Grossart.


IF you have sound reason to request the removal of certain details from this blog please do not hesitate to contact me via the Comments section on THIS specific blog and I will CONSIDER your request. If it does not go counter to this blogs' persuit of Justice and exposure of dishonesty, corruption and evil I will consider removing the items.

Do remenber to give the date and title of the item you hope to have editted - thanks.

You will note Duncan Bannatyne saw through this nasty little man Hamish Grossart in short order!

Wednesday, 10 March 2010


Conspiracy of Silence

Nationwide Child Abuse Ring Revealed

In Free Discovery Channel Documentary

"Conspiracy of Silence" is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government. Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, "Conspiracy of Silence" reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child abuse and pedophilia to feed the base desires of key politicians.

Based on DeCamp's riveting book, The Franklin Cover-up, "Conspiracy of Silence" begins with the shut-down of Nebraska's Franklin Community Federal Credit Union after a raid by federal agencies in November 1988 revealed that $40 million was missing. When the Nebraska legislature launched a probe into the affair, what initially looked like a financial swindle soon exploded into a startling tale of drugs, money laundering, and a nationwide child abuse ring. Nineteen months later, the legislative committee's chief investigator died suddenly and violently, like more than a dozen other people linked to the Franklin case.
To read more CLICK HERE
To watch the video CLICK HERE
It Happens In Scotland!
This shows just how empowering wealthy men find practices normal men and women find repugnant - it also shows just howmuch control these evil and frequently wealthy men are.
We believe there are reasons to believe the same determination to control and the same arrogant self interest has been manifest in this case by an evil and abusive wealthy man, thwarted in his ownership and control of people.

His Daughters From His First Marriage
Seem to have turned out as nice lasses
Don't they!

Do not forget Elaine Grossart was granted a divorce on the grouns of the physical, mental and sexual abuse she had received at the hands of this brutal, sick self serving apparent Narcissist Hamish Grossart.
Do not forget when the relationship between Hamish Grossart he was near penniless, married and carrying on a dishonest relationship outside his marriage. Hamish Grossart was a philandered who was carrying on a relationship with a girl from the office when his second daughter was both conceived and born - he even claimed to one of his mistresses that the child was not his as his wife was mentally ill and having sex with his friends!
Elaine Grossart lent money to Hamish Grossart in the early stages of their relationship and not in inconsequential amounts, with the help of this money Hamish started to build their fortune, without it it can be argued he would have lurched from failure to failure as he had already fallen out with his Uncle Angus having acted in dubious ethics whilst in his employ.
It Looks Like
Duncan Bannatyne
Soon had the measure of this olleagenous spiv.

We note from Press comentary and Court Records that Hamish Grossart fought his wife bullied and abused her using THEIR money she had no access to and the misogynistic perverse and seemingly Masonically controlled corrupt Courts of Scotland to ensure his wife received as little as possible of the assetts she was at very least entitled to half of.
Now we watch in disgust as the Lawyers and Courts assist Hamish Grossart in his new relationship with his new mistress a relationship physically flaunted in the face of his 9 year old daughter!
Yes I DO have widespread contacts in Scotland and as you will appreciate much of the documentation and information comes from within the Edinburgh Legal profession - seemingly there are honest men and women in Scotland who are willing to leak information in disgust at what is going on around them.

We note that it would seem, in a desparate further attempt to abuse, intimidate and harrass his ex wife Hamish Grossart has set his lawyers to carry out his evil for him.

Neither Hamish Grossart nor his lawyers or agents have made ANY effort to act to contact this blog in the interest of their children or any other party.
Yet we note from a posting made on the comment section on two blogs hereon that the Mother of the children would seem to have dishonestly been blamed for this blog.
That even this is used as a method of intimidation and harrassment speaks volumes of this vile man and his willingness to throw money he extorted from his ex wife with the corrupt and malign assistance of an utterly corrupt legal structure and its incestuous and untrustworthy lawyers, or so it would clearly seem.
That this blog is in a foreign Country leaves me in the position of obtaining about 5th. hand verification that it is in fact Elaine Grosshart asking for removal of her children's names from this blog - IF I am able to ascertain it is her wish I will then act accordingly.
I would like to remind you that Hamish Grossart has made absolutely no effort to contact this blog yet you will note that Elaine Grossart contacted this blog via the easy to use Comments as soon as she was made aware of the blog by her ex husband's lawyers.
Hamish Grossart seems all too willing to use the money he abused the law and the courts to steal from his ex wife to throw at lawyers to abuse, intimidate, threaten and blame his ex wife - was he sufficiently interested in the well being of the children to make any effort to contact this blog, instruct his lawyers or agents to contact this blog and ask for help.
NO he was not remotely interested in the children just in using his wealth to intimidate, threaten and abuse his family. What a sad sordid pathetic little dweeb of a man, an excrecence of mankind who has bulied, lied, phillandered and cheated all his life.
Here is the posting sent to the comments section - I believe by Elaine Grossart, which I am checking:

Anonymous said...


10 March 2010 00:44

10 March 2010 00:56
I can not confirm but it would seem that Elaine Grossart does not have a Google or similar web identity and has thus had to post as Anonymous - it would also seem her deliberations to write her comment took some 12 minutes Central Time being about 6 hours different.
Please be advised that if I establish the message to be genuine I WILL act to remove her children's names from the blogs.
In the mean time perhaps it may entertain the readers to note that not only is Hamish Grossart a member of The Specilative Society of Edinburgh and thus most clearly likely to be also a Mason both secretive organisations which are based upon much of the symbolism of Satanism and for that reason we would ask:
FIRSTLY: Why was some £2.6 million of public monet squandered on reformatting St. Andrew Square based undeniably on the Satanic symbolism of The All Seeing Eye.
SECONDLY: Are we to believe that Hamish Grossart's near onsessive attachment to Pitlour innocent of the fact that Pitlour House has a long and vile history of association with evil and the practices of Satanism - its cellars being a matter of record.
Is this a fit home to deliver a young 9 year old child to or her elder brother - I make no judgement on Plumb frequently up the duff's children as that is a matter for their Father since in Scotlands largely Masonic and misogynistic Courts their Mother is unlikely to meet with even the respect she may deserve.
May I suggest that whilst we await the outcome of my checks Hamish Grossart does what he is best at when it comes to anyone's interests but his own:
Hamish Grossart assuming his
Naturally Narcisitic Self Worshipping
Crano Rectally Retentive
position of worship.