Sunday, 10 September 2006

10-Sep-2006 - Prof. JRG Furnell REPORT

Astonishingly this man saw himself as morally and ethically fit to 'Report' on this matter in the light of the fact that he had accepted social hospitality from Hamish Grossart and his extended family, having his expenses paid to holiday with them in France!

One would have thought that an ethical man would have prorogued himself.

There are in fact two Reports.
The first report prepared by Furnell was late as would seem to be always in his case and he charged a further £4,000!

His excuse was that he had not typing capacity.
I checked with his secretary and she confirmed that he had not passed the document in. 
Seemingly it was just a way of getting further funds.

There are many Sheriffs and lawyers and indeed other child psychologists who have intimated to me that he is just after the green money.

A further Supplementary report was prepared and I will email.

I gave you the letter which I wrote in strong terms to Scott Cochrane of Brodies stating my utter disgust that he did not act in an "independent' manner.

He went to France to interview the children and took hospitality from HG and the extended family! He interviewed the grandparents, the aunt and half sisters. He however did not accord the same respect towards me.

He came to interview on three separate occasions each time arriving 1hour, 2.5 and 3 hours late respectively. He did not interview any one except the Au Pair living with me at that time.

Grossly and disgustingly imbalanced and biased, in my opinion.

His manner towards me was unprofessional haughty, arrogant and quite frankly rude.

On his last visit to me when asked why he was late when he was only 10 minutes down the road he faked a demeaning "feint" that he should be asked.

His whole approach was seemingly offensive, unprofessional and indicated a fraudalent behaviour.



Prof. James R. G. Furnell
M.A. D.C.P. Ph.D. LL.B. DIP. L.P. F.B.P.S. C.Psychol
Consultant Psychologist
Consulting at
Abbey King’s Park Hospital, Polmaise Road,
Stirling, FK7 9PU
Tel: 01786 451669 Fax: 01786 465296

Our Ref: JF/AW 10th September 2006

For the attention of: the Clerk of Court to Lord G. Glennie
The Court of Session
Parliament House
Edinburgh EH1 1RF

cc: For the attention of: G. Leonard Mair Esq.
Morton Fraser
30-31 Queen Street
Edinburgh EH2 1JX

cc: For the attention of: Scott Cochrane Esq.
15 Atholl Crescent
Edinburgh EH3 8HA

Court of Session, Edinburgh
Elaine Rosalind MacKenzie Simpson or Grossart -v- Hamish Macleod Grossart
The Children: Ruairidh Sholto Grossart (d.o.b. 8th January 1998) and
Rosalind Sophie MacKenzie Grossart (d.o.b. 20th November 2000).
Court Reference: F72/06

This Report has been prepared in response to Court of Session Interlocutor dated 16th June 2006 which ..................

REMOVED at the request of the children's Mother out of concern for her two minor children and her ex-husband's two adult daughters, who she brought up from a very young age to relative maturity for her ex-husband as he had so damaged his first wife that the duty fell to his new partner.

One can see the same pattern being attempted here.

The malign and dishonest bullying and fear of losing control is not unusual in narcissism it seems.

This reaches, in some cases and this may prove to be one, the level where the Narcissistic Male in his gross insecurity and inadequacy takes the stance of 'if I can't have you no one will'.
This is the extreme manifestation seen in stalkers and particularly men without the moral fibre or strength of personality to cope with their rejection as they set out to destroy those who are unwilling to succumb to the control they determine to excercise.

Such behaviour is nothing more than a manifestation of evil hidden in braggadocio and determination to bend all to their will - in this case with willing lawyers all too willing to feather their nests the Father is determined to strip his wife of dignity, maternity, money and if he can achieve it again sanity!

Hamish Grossart is in my opinion a disgusting excrescence of a man - a total emotional failure incapable of standing on his own feet and within days of separation if not before seeking out his next victim - I regret I can see his latest marque Plum Sterling and her children as nothing more than his next victim in a trail of inadequacy that will continue until his decrepitude leaves him either with some sad woman he has bought or in abject isolation - rarely do the children of such unfortunates rally round seeing the loss of control as their long awaited liberty freeing them from the fear and hatred they have suffered all their lives!

Please be assured that Elaine Grossart hasn't a clue who is posting this blog and clearly she has made extensive efforts, including someone with IT skills who has charged for his services to identify the author.

Be assured there has been absolutely no visible effort on the part of Hamish Grossart to contact me, nor have any of the army of parasitic lawyers he employs to harrass his wife and children.

I do note as a result of one of my informants leaking material from his lawyer's offices (well where do you think I get much of this info!) I gather a main plank of the nasty little man's latest efforts to continue the damage to those who once upon a time respected him in his profligate and irresponsible, venal and vile abuse of the law to buy the result he wants making a mockery of Sheriffs, lawyers and the Courts and a farce of any meaning of the word Justice is to try to pretend that Elaine Grossart is responsible for this blog.

The logic being I presume that is posted by Hamish Grossart because it is titled after him! One has to marvel at the buffoon's logic that he seeks to convince a Scotish Court that his pack of lies is true. Why would I not be surprised when he succeeds when it is so apparent Justice is no more than a commodity in Scotland where verdicts would seem to be bought and sold like Papal Pardons in return for the largesse of the corrupt Lawyers, Banks and Politicians with the £Millions so readily available over many years from corrupt bankers oils the entire Satanic horror show that is the arcane and malign mysogenistic and Masonic septic tank that is Scotland.

It may be apposite at this stage to ask how vermin like Hamish Grossart gain their power see: http?? and ponder the relationships shown and those yet to be exposed.

Explain perhaps how an affinity between Grossart and the apparently ignoble family bank can claim probity when their affilitations would seem to stretch from the now bankrupted RBS to such as financial advice seemingly given to Murray International who seemingly owna hugely indebted footbal team of little asset value and masquerade as steel stock holders - I say masquerade as it does look much as if one would need to bury Scotland knee deep in steel to justify what seems to be a BASE RATE fixed interest £1 Billion loan - I wonder if the fees garnered there would bear scrutiny or is this back to £Multi Million bankers' bonuses and how these charlatans steal the money!

I speak glibly of a £Billion!
A billion seconds ago it was 1959.

A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.

A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.

A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.

A £Billion lent to a single firm with no visible substance to justify it from a bank that was bankrupted by the £Multi Millionaires in whose stewardship it was entrusted!

Do not overlook the irrefutable fact that Elaine Grossart was granted a divorce on the grounds of abuse, sexual assault, physical and mental abuse and much more damning evidence in the public domain - her divorce was against the vile, duplicitous, self serving, mean, bullying and narcissistic Hamish Grossart who is now BUYING the Courts with money defrauded from his ex-wife since he was penniless and borrowed money from her when they first met!

Do YOU believe that Hamish Grossart is a fit and proper person to be allowed to go amongst the public unsupervised let alone have custody at ANY time of young children - a man who it has been attested and accepted in Court beat his wife to the ground and urinated on her! A man who exposed himself erect and naked to his young daughter, a man who is a serial adulterter wife beater and abuser.

However much money this egregious piece of filth has should he be in a position to BUY his will from Courts corrupted by their deference to money, status, males and the Masons? I wonder howmany of the people in the Court will have a link and debt to each other through The Masons, The Spec. or similar I hazard a guess that Elaine Grossart will thus be clearly disadvantaged!

Filth like Hamish Grossart all too often are able gratuitously to abuse women and children as does Hamish Grossart.